
Birthdays & Babes.

I had such a fun time getting ready for my sister's visit. It was her first visit back since her move to Nashville, and I was so excited!

I got really into planning a little birthday brunch in honor of Julie and our friend Brooke (they share July 27th as their birthday). I got a little too into making the invitations though. I stayed up late a few nights testing different combinations of color, and then later hand making each one. I found these great strawberry stickers at Michaels and knew I had to use them. There are few things that help me relax like a long and tedious craft that ends in something pretty or a good run.

Well, enough about me & my crafts . . . the whole point was that I was excited to celebrate my two dear friends' births (or First-Naked-Day day as I like to call it). I am going to attempt to say some things about each birthday girl - but I already know that these words in my head will not suffice.

Brookie is like the curry spice that she loves. She is strong, distinct, and makes chicken taste great! She is passionate (both about what she loves and what she hates), she is brave, and she is deep. There is not a conversation that she is part of that doesn't dip into something deep, profound or vulnerable for those present. She can't help it and it is great and terrifying (for us "kiddy-pool" conversationalists) all at the same time. Lest you think she is all depth & maturity & gorgeous green eyes, she also is the goofiest girl when the time gets late and the stresses of the day have rubbed off some. Out comes the graceful & yet strange exercise-ball-ballerina doing an interpretive dance to whatever is playing on the radio. Come to think of it Brooke's dancing side often is in stark contrast to her grown up, "I'll take care of it" person. She is my favorite dancing partner & helps me in so many ways to dig down and to let it all out! Don't you wish she was your friend too?

Sisters trying to keep our eyes open for a picture. Dang-GIT!

Ah, my sweet sister (who will cringe when she reads the word "sweet" before her name). She is the sweetest thing to me, and yet I know that word lacks the fullness I mean it to carry. She has this way of making people feel special and important. Her generosity with her heart, her time, and her food is exorbitant. When I work along side her I am often put to shame by her thoughtfulness of others. She is either in constant motion or sleeping. Sometimes there is a small part of the day when you can catch her while she is falling asleep and there is some stillness there. But otherwise, that right foot is twittering ever so slightly back and forth. Watch closely and see if you can see it.
My sister is the person who taught me how to fight simply by fighting with me. I can look back now on our tumultuous upbringing and see over and over an older sister who sacrficed, protected and loved her siblings. I used to hold her on a pedastal and have through God's grace come to know her more deeply and find a mere earthling like myself. But even in her willingness to be changed and become more real she is being transformed ino a more amazing, more vibrant Julie.
She is also one of the funniest people I know. I have learned to be more forthcoming about my "awkward moment" stories because she shares hers so freely. (You have got to ask her about some - there are quite a few to pick from). My favorite is a toss up between the pretend-engagement-ring-fiasco or the crotch-staring episode. There's this fearlessness about her that is surprising when you consider her petite frame and her girlish manners. I love that she is all sweetness and gentleness and yet there is a real strength under it all. Lest you think she is "all girl" keep in mind she prefers action movies over romantic movies 9 times out of 10, and that she can still almost outwrestle my 6'2" brother.
She is fearless when it comes to heights, roller coasters, and adventure of any kind. She is witty and smart and a little bit of a smart-asterix. She is one of the most detailed people I know. I sometimes wonder that so much intricate attention to detail can be in someone who is also so creative and imaginative. But one of the coolest things about that is that she loves her friends well because of her notice of the little things. I love her poetry, her art, and her short stories. I love that she is older than me, and gets to "go first" on so many things. I love that she is what her name means, youthful. And I love that she will probably still want to wrestle me when we are in our 70's (me in my early 70's and her in her later 70's). Happy Birthday to my first and bestest friend! .

Laura & Julie in the latest fashions.

I have been thinking again of how grateful I am for friends, old and new, that the Lord has brought into my life. When I look around at these wild, wonderful ladies I think - "Man, I wish I had some guy friends!" xo

Kayaking with Sharks!

Kayaking with some fun peeps turned into a great, relaxing day where one friend (I won't say who) was terrified of a shark attack in Morro Bay, and another accidentally stole a coloring book from a seashell shop.

Me, Emily, & Angela

Angela, Emmy, Princess Tess (aka thieftess), Rebekah

Two new friends! Shelley & Melissa

The Crew: Emily, Tess,
Shelley, Me, Amanda, Rebekah,
& Melissa

so guess where I wasn't on August 16th . . .

in spite of the fact that a woman walked into my office the week before to tell me about how her "office" was doing "alien marker removals", and that there was this conference coming up called the Central Coast Science - UFO Symposium. She handed me the pamphlet you see here, and proceeded to tell me that if I was to attend I should dress "for television" since there would be news crews present. I was utterly speachless and remained so until I could exclaim "oh, thank you" as she turned to acost...er...talk to a patient that came through the door. I stood blinking for a moment and then began to giggle to myself as I read through the professional looking pamphlet I clutched in my hand. I was pleased to find some things of interest that I will now share.

Did you know that a conference like this can last a good day and a half, prices can range from $95 to $270 (depending on how many days you plan to attend - and wether or not you want to "Meet & Greet" some gentleman named George Noory who evidently wrote a book about UFO's). There are special lectures available like "Cosmic Messages: How do we prepare for contact?", and Panel Discussions with special surprise guests, talks on "Recollections of UFO Abductions through Hypnotherapy" or "The Physics of Alien Abduction". Needless to say I was intrigued. Are you? Here is a website where you can find out more, just in case....