Here are some of our moments together.
This is a great hike at the top of the Cuesta Grade. It is a nice wide dirt road that is not too steep and has some spectacular views.
Jill, Tim & Mumsy
Toby (beloved Hawk-dog), just so happens to be one of the best dogs to take hiking . She is obedient and heels the first time you command it. I have never never seen her run away or go scurrying off after an animal. She just stays with you, and I love that.
Kona, on the other hand, is prone to wander. She also is incredibly fast. I think it is in her nature and has yet to be broken of it. On one of these Whit Fam hikes Kona decided to book it after a deer. Before we even knew what was happening she was already up to the top of a nearby hill. She was called sternly and repeatedly , without any response.
Toby, the beloved wonder dog, however, stayed right by my side. She did not move at all, and seemed to smugly smile in that "older brother who is proud not to be the prodigal son" way, saying "see, good dog stay, bad dog go". Which is true of course, but it was so funny to me seeing this stark contrast between these two animals.
It got me thinking about how even though I love Toby dearly, she is not the most stable dog. She is moody, wary of strangers, cold to anyone but the two and a half people she actually likes, hateful to any dog but one, and just all around unpredictable.
Kona, also a beloved dog, is the opposite. She loves everyone she meets and shows it, wether you are man or dog. It is obvious who her favorite is (Jill), but she is friendly to all and expects to be loved freely. If you pet her and she appreciates it she will lick you as a thank you. She is warm, wiggly and sweet.
It is strange how much I identify with Toby. Perhaps not right at this moment, but at some points in my life, I have been leery of everyone, expecting the worst, cold and guarded. Sometimes I just want to shake her and say "you don't have to hate and be afraid of everything! Open your heart little dog!" It definitely would work better for her. I think she would be surprised by the response.
Alas, not every dog can be a Kona. Lucky for Toby, that is exactly why I love her. For her strange neediness, her guarded vulnerability, and her obedience.
I digress.
Modeling, glasses and a camera
Lake Santa Margarita, but beware the deer chasing dogs
After one of our hikes together we took the show to Grandpa's place.
Here we are singing to and with him.
I love the way that music reaches people, and specifically how it still reaches Grandpa. He keeps is head down a lot lately, because he is tired and maybe because he has pain. It is neat to see how he lifts his head when we sing together and he remembers a part.
These are some of my favorite times with him.