If any of you know my pastor, you know that he is not what his nickname implies. He is humble, kind, firm, funny & a real shepherding pastor.
I gave him this nickname after a discussion over putting "Reverend" before his name in the church bulletin. I was for it. He was against it.
Since then I refer to him as M.H.R. (Most Holy Reverend). I even went so far as to try to get him nominated as the Presbyterian Pope of the West Coast.
Let's just say he was not amused.
I digress. The point was this passage in Luke.
It was shortly after Jesus' transfiguration. The disciples were wondering why they couldn't drive out an evil spirit from a boy, wondering about what Jesus meant when He told them He would be betrayed, and wondering who would be considered the greatest among them.
Luke 9:51 says "As the time approaced for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem."
Another version says "...He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem."
I can't stop thinking about how Jesus did that.
I picture Him surrounded by needy, hungry people, curious gawkers, bickering disciples, turning determinedly towards Jerusalem. Moving steadily forward towards His own sacrificial death. He was not overwhelmed by the needs of those around Him. He was keenly aware of all they needed, and with that in mind, set out with a firm jaw & purpose in His eye to provide for their truly greatest need.
It just breaks my heart & makes me rejoice all at the same time. I am undone by what He has done.
This is where my thoughts are as I prepare for my trip to Honduras this July. It has given me a fresh perspective on setting out with determination. I think of the weather, the people, the tasks there for us to experience. Wondering if my wonderings are like the disciples' own wonderings. Small, self-focused, missing the point.
I am eager & yet a little trepidaceous.
Anxious to obey.
Excited to step off American soil & into a new culture.
Eager to use my limited Spanish & make new friends.
Keenly aware of the great gap of my gifting.
Expectant to see God working in spite of the great gap.
Hopeful of getting to share the gospel in a personal way.
Resignedly cognizant things may be difficult.
Hoping things will be difficult so that my dependence on Jesus will grow.
Wondering already at how He has worked things together so that our team of 10 can go to Honduras.
Purposing to set out with my & the Honduran people's greatest need in mind.
Will you pray for me if you think of it?
In honor of it being June 21st, the first day of summer, I leave you with this...
I hope this summer finds you enjoying some hot days of doing nothing.