
Avoiding the Unavoidable

So my car died on Thanksgiving Day. The consequences of which I only now beginning to face. When the car first passed from this life, I was able to borrow Tim & Jill's truck for a bit. Unfortunately, I am finding more and more evidence that hints at the possibility of my touch causing chaos to ensue. It seems that everything I touch wants to "leave this world".
The same day their truck started acting sickly I found a to-do list they had written. It is a list of things to do upon their return from the South Pacific,the third line of which contains these words... "Truck - serpentine belt & transmission fluid". I took their truck in to have the belt changed and transmission fluid filled and proceeded to park it for good at their house.
Next, I rented a car, which has run well, but turns out it won't be covered by my insurance. I found this out after I realized the car was working great so there would obviously have to be something else awry. I called my insurance (for the third time), and pressed them to make a call to confirm or deny the rental coverage. It will not be covered.
Finally, I have been trying seriously for about 2 weeks to do some "craig's list" research in hopes of selling the dead car and finding a new vehicle. But, every time I have come out to Tim & Jill's to use their computer the internet connection has mysteriously been down, the batteries for the keyboard (wireless, no less) have been dead, I attempted to charge the batteries but didn't charge them for the full 14 hours, then the batteries for the wireless mouse died, charged those batteries, and that pretty much brings us to today. It is quite comical but over time has become more discouraging. I am choosing to move forward and rest in the fact that God loves me. Easier said than done as I have been avoiding God for a good while. Or I guess you could say a "bad while". So here's to baby steps & The Hound of Heaven...Hip Hip Hooray!

1 comment:

jules of the east said...

so many things, sister! i miss being around to feed you good food when these bad things happen. if you come over, i will cook for you.