
A Cousin Visit

My cousin Celeste & her husband Stephen came for a weekend visit.

Grandpa especially enjoyed their visit...remembering Celeste every time he saw her & being able to really converse. It was a special treat for him, and a special treat for me to share that alert time with him.
Mumsy took us for a tour of the Ranch. Celeste loves animals and it was fun to see her in that environment.Another fun thing was the fact that Stephen commented on how much my mom (Mumsy) & Celeste's mom (Aunt Constance) look alike. I don't think either of them think they look alike, but it is more probably their mannerisms.
Celeste & I enjoyed finding out the things that we have in common too. It is a special thing to share ancestry and for all our disfunction we are a fun bunch of people.
I drove them to the beach on Celeste's birthday. I got a speeding ticket on the way. EEEK! But it was probably deserved, especially if you consider how many times I have been pulled over in the last few months. Three.
We happened upon this dead jelly fish that had washed up on shore. It was fascinating...
I don't think the photos do justice. The top squishy part was dirty but still completely see-through. I tried to flip it over with my feet, because I'm not sure how stingy a dead jelly fish of that size can be and because I wanted to see the stingers.
It didn't work.

We walked a little more, skipped stones & drew in the sand...
it was a beautiful day.

We went out to a great little Italian restaurant in SLO, and came home late to a surprise birthday cake from the Hawks.
We played a fun game that Celeste brought that I cannot for the life of me remember the name. I do however remember the people's names in this picture, that it had to do with trains, and that it was fun...
Tess was gracious enough to be our DD for a fun afternoon of wine tasting.
This is us at Eberle (which means "wild boar")
Finding that out did help me to better understand all the ugly boar sculptures, paintings and fountains we came across.

Yes, we are posing in front of a boar-spewing-water-water fountain.
Why? you may ask.
Like I said on facebook...why not?

Why? I did ask.
Because Tess loves to torture Kona. She was actually successful in getting Kona to pull her around on the little wheeled dolly. Very funny but a little mean I am afraid.

1 comment:

Nala said...

the name of the train game is "Ticket To Ride"