
Kimwood Ranch

I was able to go with Tim & Jill to the ranch where Jill grew up. The one where she ran wild and free, played horses, and tortured her baby brother Ryan.
Her Nana Lily lives there and was so fun to get to know.

I cannot believe how good Kona is in the car...even when the car ride ends up being like 6 & 1/2 hours. Tim rolled the window down for her when we drove through San Francisco. People acted like they had never seen a dog before...it was so cute. Well, Kona is so cute! Here she is smiling to her adoring fans in San Fran...

We meandered back through the Kimwood property (which is GInormous)on the toughest little mule I have ever seen. (I mean a mean green motorized machine). We decided to commemorate our trek to the back edge of the property by doing what?...of course, a jumping picture. This is Tim, Jill, me, Kristy & Kona...

Kristy & I horsing around...

The whole gang (minus Nana Lily) jumping...
(Tim, Gary, me, Jill, Gay, Kristy - & Molly & Kona are confused in the foreground)

Nana Lily, Jill, Tim & me

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